Slaves are made for Hurting part 2.mp4

We have a bonafide pain-eater here with us today and we are going to feed her until she’s stuffed. You could smell the lust and greedy wantonness on her skin as she walked through the...

Merciless Pain Part 4.mp4

Scream as she will, the pain will not cease. Mercy is tied to the whipping post and the agony starts immediately. JT is fascinated with this paintoy and toys with her endlessly. He canes viciously...

Orias Not Done Yet.wmv

"I thought we were done. You untied me and everything!" But Ivan is nowhere near done with Orias. He ties her wrists behind a pole while she squirms and tries to kick him, but he...

Chrissy Daniels Better Deal.wmv

Some women are just vengeful. Ivan doesn’t know what this guy did to earn Chrissy’s disdain, he just works hard to run his company, but for whatever reason, Chrissy wants to take it away from...

Ten He Wasn’t Interested In Talking.wmv

Ten was busy texting her friend when she heard someone open her back door and rush through the house. She tried to back up asking who he was and how he got in but he...

Shauna Strung Up.wmv

Ivan like his girls feisty, and he picked well in Shauna: she has the body, nice and curvy, the clothes, skirt, stockings, and heels, and the mouth, sassy and audacious. The mouth is fun at...

Candle Fierce Fight For Freedom.wmv

Candle Boxxx was sitting on the couch when she sees a large man walk in. He utters the words, ?Hi Honey!? and tosses his bag on the couch besides her. She struggles her trying to...

Blair Blouson Negotiate First Or Walk Away.wmv

There is something irresistibly sexy about that successful businesswoman look – nice skirt, button-up blouse, high heels, lace-top thigh-high stockings – and Blair knows that. so Ivan’s request isn’t all that unusual to her. When...

Annabelle Genovisi Too Good To Be True.wmv

It?s usually pretty easy to find – or create – a corporate spy: offer them enough money, and just about anyone will turn traitor on their own company. Annabelle was a perfect candidate for this...

The Rise And Fall Of Rita’s Star.mp4

Rita’s star is burning bright tonight! If by star you mean her body, and by burning bright you mean covered in glowing welts and bruises. She struggles to accept the pain and torment she’s subjected...